Page under construction. This is an auto-generated page based on the registrations from a while ago, and is therefore not a complete list. We will update this page as we go along. If you do not see your photo below or would like to replace it, you can 'edit your registration' (look for your confirmation email), then click 'manage your registration', and go to the bottom of the 'personal info' page. Alternatively, send us an email with the photo.
1. Sabrina Abram
Cleveland State University
2. Peter Adamczyk
Intelligent Prosthetic Systems and U. Wisconsin - Madison
3. Peter Agada
Temple University
4. Maziar Ahmad Sharbafi
TU Darmstadt
5. Ezra Ameperosa
University of Texas at San Antonio
6. Dheepak Arumukhom Revi
The Ohio State University
7. Christopher Atkeson
8. Jaehyun Bae
Harvard Univerisity
9. Eileen Baker
Northern Arizona University
10. Sean Barton
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
11. Shivam Bhan
Nike Inc.
12. Pranav Bhounsule
University of Texas at San Antonio
13. William Bosworth
14. Robert Brothers
University of Texas at San Antonio
15. Geoffrey Brown
Northwestern University
16. Travis Brown
University of Notre Dame
17. Martin Buehler
WDI R&D, Inc.
18. Sam Burden
UW Seattle EE
19. Katie Byl
UC Santa Barbara
20. Joshua Caputo
Carnegie Mellon University
21. Barrett Clark
Ohio State University
22. Steven Collins
Carnegie Mellon University
23. Davide Corradi
Heidelberg University
24. Jason Cortell
Cornell University
25. Noah Cowan
Johns Hopkins
26. Osman Darici
University of Michigan
27. Kirsten Davis
Northern Arizona University
28. Ruta Desai
Carnegie Mellon University
29. Nihav Dhawale
Yale University
30. Stuart Diller
Carnegie Mellon University
31. Ye Ding
Harvard Univerisity
32. Jonathan Dingwell
University of Texas at Austin
33. Max Donelan
Simon Fraser University
34. Evan Drumwright
George Washington University
35. Blair Emanuel
Carnegie Mellon University
36. Amber Emmens
University of Twente
37. Johannes Englsberger
DLR (German Aerospace Center)
38. Siyuan Feng
Carnegie Mellon University
39. Yanggang Feng
Peking University
40. James Finley
University of Southern California
41. Michele Focchi
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
42. Chenglong Fu
Tsinghua University
43. Zhenyu Gan
RAM Lab, University of Michigan
44. Christian Gehring
ETH Zurich, Disney Research Zurich
45. Hartmut Geyer
CMU Robotics Institute
46. Mario Gomes
Rochester Institute of Technology
47. Keith Gordon
Northwestern University
48. Alena Grabowski
University of Colorado Boulder
49. Robert Griffin
Virginia Tech
50. Martin Grimmer
Harvard Biodesign Lab
51. Felix Grimminger
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
52. Sanghoon Han
53. Matthew Handford
The Ohio State University
54. Alexander Herzog
Max Planck Intelligent Systems
55. Anthony Hessel
Center for Bioengineering Innovation, Northern Arizona University
56. Sandra Hnat
Cleveland State University
57. Neville Hogan
58. Eric Honert
Vanderbilt University
59. Michael Hopkins
Virginia Tech
60. Elizabeth Hsiao-Wecksler
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
61. Yue Hu
ORB, IWR, University of Heidelberg
62. He Huang
NC State University
63. Meghan Huber
Northeastern University, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
64. Marco Hutter
ETH Zurich
65. Jemin Hwangbo
ETH Zurich
66. Rachel Jackson
Carnegie Mellon University
67. Jana Jeffers
University of Colorado Boulder
68. John Jeka
Department of Kinesiology - Temple University
69. Luo Jianwen
Harbin Institute of Technology
70. Devin Jindrich
Cal State Univ. San Marcos
71. Varun Joshi
Ohio State University
72. Simon Kalouche
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
73. Matthew Kelly
Cornell University
74. Timothy Kiemel
University of Maryland
76. Donghyun Kim
University of Texas at Austin
77. Joo H. Kim
New York University
79. Myunghee Kim
Carnegie Mellon University
80. Mark Kingsbury
Georgia Institute of Technology
81. Anne Koelewijn
Cleveland State University
82. Jeffrey Koller
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
83. Scott Kuindersma
Harvard University
84. Art Kuo
University of Michigan
85. Matthew Kvalheim
University of Michigan
86. Jehee Lee
Movement Research Lab / SNU
87. Jinyi Lee
88. Kyungho Lee
Movement Research Lab, SNU
89. Kevin Lehtinen
90. Hyerim Lim
91. ming liu
UNC/NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering
92. Eric Lockwood
Northern Arizona University
93. David Logan
Drexel University College of Medicine
94. Philippe Malcolm
Harvard Biodesign Lab / Wyss institute
95. Shreyas Mandre
Brown University
96. Pat Marion
97. Jean-Paul Martin
Queen's University
98. William Martin
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute
99. Sean Mason
University of Southern California
100. Jonathan Matthis
University of Texas at Austin
101. Hunter McClelland
Virginia Tech
102. Scott Miller
University of Texas at San Antonio
103. Sayed Naseel Mohamed Thangal
Simon Fraser University
104. Carlotta Mummolo
105. Raviraj Nataraj
Cleveland State University
106. Quan Nguyen
Carnegie Mellon University
107. Robert Nickl
Johns Hopkins University
108. Kiisa Nishikawa
Northern Arizona University
109. Richard Nuckols
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University
110. Julieth Ochoa
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
111. Keonyoung Oh
112. Fausto Panizzolo
Harvard Univerisity
113. Fausto Panizzolo
Harvard Univerisity
114. Evelyn Park
Harvard University
115. Sukyung Park
116. Sungwoo Park
117. Jennifer Perry
118. Katherine Poggensee
Carnegie Mellon University
119. Michael Posa
120. Jerry Pratt
121. Mu Qiao
Penn State University
122. Brendan Quinlivan
Harvard Univerisity
123. Shakiba Rafiee
University of Maryland
124. Akshara Rai
Carnegie Mellon University
125. Hamed Razavi
University of Michigan
126. John Rebula
USC & Max Planck Institute
127. C David Remy
University of Michigan
128. Shai Revzen
U Michigan
129. Siavash Rezazadeh
Oregon State University
130. Ryan Riddick
University of Michigan
131. Ludovic Righetti
Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
132. Benjamin Robertson
Temple University Dept. of Bioengineering
133. Isaac Romero
Northern Arizona University
134. Nicholas Rotella
University of Southern California
135. Andy Ruina
136. Cenk Oguz Saglam
UC Santa Barbara
137. Eric Sanchez
University of Texas at San Antonio
138. Uluc Saranli
Middle East Technical University
139. Alexander Schepelmann
Robotics Institute, CMU
140. James Schmiedeler
University of Notre Dame
141. Nidhi Seethapathi
The Ohio State University
142. Luis Sentis
The University of Texas at Austin
143. Matthew Sheen
Cornell University
144. Alison Sheets-Singer
Nike, Inc.
145. Michael Shepertycky
Queen's University
146. Victor Shia
UC Berkeley
147. Roberto Shu
Carnegie Mellon University
148. Surabhi Simha
Simon Fraser University
149. Avinash Siravuru
Carnegie Mellon University
150. Christopher Siviy
Harvard Univerisity
151. Nils Smit-Anseeuw
University of MIchigan
152. Benjamin Smith
Structure & Motion Laboratory
153. Seungmoon Song
Carnegie Mellon University
154. Koushil Sreenath
Carnegie Mellon University
155. Manoj Srinivasan
The Ohio State University
156. Dagmar Sternad
Northeastern University
157. Uzma Tahir
Northern Arizona University
158. Russell Tedrake
159. Nitish Thatte
Robotics Institute, CMU
160. Diego Torricelli
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
161. Rico Ulep
University of Texas at San Antonio
162. Michiel Van de Panne
University of British Columbia
163. Ram Vasudevan
University of Michigan
164. Madhusudhan Venkadesan
Yale University
165. Alexandra Voloshina
TU Darmstadt
166. Conor Walsh
Harvard Univerisity
167. Hongfei Wang
Ohio State University
168. Liyu Wang
UC Berkeley
169. Qining Wang
Peking University
170. Yue wen
171. Kirby Witte
Carnegie Mellon University
172. Jeremy Wong
Simon Fraser University
173. Albert Wu
Carnegie Mellon University
174. Amy Wu
University of Michigan
175. Yuanhao Wu
Tsinghua University
176. Matthew Yandell
Vanderbilt University
177. Kaiwen Yang
The Ohio State University
178. Aaron Young
University of Michigan
179. Samuel Zapolsky
George Washington University
180. Karl Zelik
Vanderbilt University
181. Juanjuan Zhang
Carnegie Mellon University
182. Jun-tian Zhang
Queen's University
183. Dan Zhao
University of Michigan
184. Sloan Zimmerman
The Ohio State University